A Dose of Inspiration - October 2024
Each month, I share a collection of what has sparked my curiosity, lifted my spirits, or brought reflection and insights. A space to be inspired by the little things that create meaningful shifts.
You cannot only rely on your motivation for your movement practice to happen. By nature, motivation fluctuates so it’s not a reliable engine to ensure that you’ll move your body regularly. That’s why accountability and commitment can be valuable allies: book the yoga class in advance each Monday, make an appointment to go to the gym with your friend, publish on your social media that you’ll go running tomorrow, block the time in your calendar for your weekly dance lesson, buy a package for your tennis classes or spinning sessions.
You will never regret showing up for yourself, so instead of waiting to see if you feel like it in the moment, trust the feeling that you know you’ll get afterwards and put little strategies in place to ensure that your mood doesn’t get in the way of your precious movement time.
» Honestly Unbalanced podcast episode with guest Sean Tucker - Listen or watch here.
A great conversation on creativity, deciding what success is to you, evaluating our relationship with busyness and so many more nuggets of insights!
Sit at a table where they talk about God, growth, money, dreams and goals.
Not people. [Author unknown]
Lately I’ve been reflecting on my relationship with gossips and the impact of talking about others rather than with others. I realised that some past unhealthy friendships or some family dynamics definitely encouraged that ‘tea-spilling’ behaviour and that’s something I’m consciously shifting away from (not always easy, but something that I’m focusing on). It’s been incredibly refreshing to focus on the interactions in my life that have these qualities of curiosity, meaningful exchange and support.
Worth pondering!
If you’re used to sleeping with your phone on the bedside table, experiment with leaving it in another room for the night. Remove the charger from your bedroom, buy an alarm o’clock if needed (trust me, they’re cheap and work great!), set up the automatic ‘sleep mode’🌙 on your phone to switch on about 1h before you typically go to bed.
Game changer, I promise. 📴
With colder times coming and feeling my energy levels fluctuate quite a bit, it’s time for a little bone broth treatment! If you wanna read more about why it is considered “the elixir of life” in Traditional Chinese Medicine and try it out for yourself, go check this old blog post with our home’s recipe.
With love,
Anne xx
Beautiful inputs for reflections! I like in particular the movement one, when autumn arrives my motivation always decreases it, your reflections comes at the right point in time! ☺️thanks!